Ethics For Young Humans

Through ETHICAL community, young humans empower their ethical development, create life-long friendships, and stand up with care and courage for a GOOD WORLD through action. At Ethical Culture, where the cool-ness factor values KINDNESS and DEED, children bring out the best in one another, and thereby themselves... (variation on a quote by founder, Felix Adler.)

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2015 "I have a dream" speeches by children, and then parents inspired by children

Children and parents took their moments to stand at the podium and share a dream of the future as they dream/hope for it to be.  Here are some of the quotes of children.

In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. each person began with his impactful words:
"I have a dream that..."

A Parent, Pamela    &    A Child, David

...One day --( because somewhere out there there are still a few slaves ) -- all  over the world everyone will have their own freedom.
(Lillian 7 years old)

...Everyone will unite and make a world without segregation. Everyone will have what they need and everyone will be kind to each other.
(Mita, 10 years old)

...Everybody will get to do anything they want to. And if any police kill black people, they will be arrested and have justice.
(David, 7 years old)

...Everyone will eventually unite as one world -- no such thing as countries. There will be no revenge. All people will be helpful and inspired.
(Timothy, 12 years old)

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