Ethics For Young Humans

Through ETHICAL community, young humans empower their ethical development, create life-long friendships, and stand up with care and courage for a GOOD WORLD through action. At Ethical Culture, where the cool-ness factor values KINDNESS and DEED, children bring out the best in one another, and thereby themselves... (variation on a quote by founder, Felix Adler.)

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Wangari Maathai - Hero of TREES and the ENVIRONMENT!

Happy Birthday to the Mother of Trees
April 1, 1940
Wangari Maathai

 “When we plant trees, 
we plant the seeds of 
peace and hope.


In 2004, she earned a Nobel Peace Honor 
for her essential work of linking peace with the environment, 

There are books about Dr. Maathai for ALL AGES!!!!
Here are links to two wonderful age-appropriate stories about Wangari Maathai! 


“A tree has roots in the soil 
yet reaches to the sky. 
It tells us that in order to aspire 
we need to be grounded 
and that no matter how high we go 
it is from our roots that we draw sustenance. 
It is a reminder to all of us who have had success 
that we cannot forget where we came from. 
It signifies that no matter 
how powerful we become in government 
or how many awards we receive, 
our power and strength 
and our ability to reach our goals 
depend on the people, 
those whose work remain unseen, 
who are the soil out of which we grow, 
the shoulders on which we stand”
Wangari Maathai

“We all share one planet 
and are one humanity; 
there is no escaping this reality.”
Wangari Maathai

It's the little things citizens do. 
That's what will make the difference. 
My little thing is planting trees.

Until you dig a hole, 
you plant a tree, 
you water it and 
make it survive, 
you haven't done a thing. 
You are just talking.

“Human rights are not things 
that are put on the table 
for people to enjoy. 
These are things you fight for 
and then you protect.”
Wangari Maathai

“Today we are 
faced with a challenge 
that calls for a shift in our thinking, 
so that humanity stops threatening 
its life-support system. 
We are called to assist 
the Earth 
to heal her wounds 
and in the process 
heal our own -
to embrace 
the whole of creation 
in all its diversity, 
beauty and wonder."
- Wangari Maathai

“Recognizing that 
sustainable development, democracy and peace 
are indivisible 
is an idea whose time has come”
Wangari Maathai

 “I was inspired 
by a traditional African stool 
that has three legs and a basin to sit on. 
To me the three legs 
represent three critical pillars of 
just and stable societies.

The first leg stands for democratic space, 
where rights are respected, 
whether they are human rights, 
women's rights, children's rights, or environmental rights. 
The second represents 
sustainable and equitable management and resources. 
And the third stands for cultures of peace 
that are deliberately cultivated 
within communities and nations. 
The basin, or seat, represents society 
and its prospects for development. 
Unless all three legs are in place, 
supporting the seat, 
no society can thrive. 
Neither can its citizens develop 
their skills and creativity. 
When one leg is missing, 
the seat is unstable; 
when two legs are missing, 
it is impossible to keep any state alive; 
and when no legs are available, 
the state is as good as a failed state. 
No development can take place in such a state either. 
Instead, conflict ensues.” 
 “Education, if it means anything, 
should not take people away from the land, 
but instill in them even more respect for it, 
because educated people are in a position 
to understand what is being lost. 
The future of the planet concerns all of us, 
and all of us should do what we can to protect it. 
As I told the foresters, and the women,
 you don't need a diploma to plant a tree.”
Wangari Maathai, Unbowed

 “Throughout my life, I have never stopped 
to strategize about my next steps. 
I often just keep walking along, 
through whichever door opens. 
I have been on a journey 
and this journey has never stopped. 
When the journey is acknowledged 
and sustained by those I work with, 
they are a source of inspiration,
 energy and encouragement. 
They are the reasons I kept walking, 
and will keep walking, 
as long as my knees hold out.”
Wangari Maathai

“In the course of history, there comes a time 
when humanity is called to shift to a new level 
of consciousness, to reach a higher moral ground. 
A time when we have to shed our fear and 
give hope to each other. 
That time is now.” 
Wangari Maathai

“We are called embrace the whole creation 
in all its diversity, beauty and wonder. 
This will happen if we see the need 
to revive our sense of belonging 
to a larger family of life, 
with which we have shared 
our evolutionary process.”
Wangari Maathai

“You cannot protect the environment 
unless you empower people, you inform them, and you help them understand that these resources 
are their own, that they must protect them.”
Wangari Maathai
“We cannot tire or give up. 
We owe it to the present and future generations 
of all species to rise up and walk!”
  Wangari Maathai

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